Scott calls the film “ a powerful and pungent reminder of the necessity of art.” (Boseman is also brilliant as the baseball player Jackie Robinson in “ 42. Davis is superb as Rainey, chewing up her lines and spitting them out with contempt at anyone who crosses her, and Chadwick Boseman, who died in 2020 and won a posthumous Golden Globe best actor award for his performance, is electrifying as the showy sideman, Levee, a boiling pot of charisma, flash and barely concealed rage. Gory, sexy, and ludicrous, as Vanity Fair put it, The Witcher stars Henry Cavill as said witcher, a magical monster hunter who makes time for hot and heavy bedding of a quarter. The setting is a Chicago music studio in 1927, where the “Mother of the Blues” Ma Rainey (Viola Davis) and her band are meeting to record several of her hits, though that business is frequently disrupted by the tensions within the group over matters both personal and artistic. Wolfe brings August Wilson’s Pulitzer Prize winner to the screen, quite faithfully - which is just fine, as a play this good requires little in the way of “opening up,” so rich are the characters and so loaded is the dialogue.